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First Class Starts 第一天上课日 9/8/2024
Chinese learning is essential and can be interesting. After a week's busy schedule at school, bring your kids to our Chinese learning class to enjoy the fun environment of learning and learn about the truth of our Creator.
中文学习是必不可少的,而且可以很有趣。 在学校忙碌了一周后,带您的孩子来到我们的中文学习班,享受有趣的学习环境,并且学习我们创造主赋予的真理。
学杂费 Tuition & PTO:
$160 + $20 =$180 (register by 6/30/2024)
$180 + $20 = $200 (register after 6/30/2024)

AUG 25 | 2:30PM
新学年全体见面会 Orientation Meeting
Parents and Kids are strongly encouraged to attend the orientation.

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